
Given the confusing terminology of heartburn, acid reflux and GERD, it's not surprising that many people are unclear as to the nature of their condition. While only a doctor diagnose the true situation, a look at some of the symptoms can offer your some basic guidelines and help you determine if you need to seek professional help.

Heartburn, acid reflux and GERD are all facets of the same condition - one in which the stomach contents back up into the esophagus. This is due to an acute or chronic failure of the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscular valve that controls the flow of the food into the stomach. Heartburn is the common symptom felt by sufferers. It's a burning feeling behind the breastbone which seems to be coming from the area of the heart. Hence the name.

Acid reflux describes the action that leads to this symptom of heartburn. It is also used synonymously with heartburn especially if it occurs on a regular basis. GERD is a chronic condition of acid reflux with some potentially dangerous implications.

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Now that we understand the terminology, it's time to look at the other symptoms of this condition.

Heartburn we know is the pain and discomfort caused by the stomach contents backing up into the esophagus. It's often accompanied by the sensation of acid rising up into the throat and into the mouth. It has a foul taste and often leads to retching.

If these symptoms arise on a regular basis, the condition is often referred to as acid reflux. It is common at night as the body's horizontal position allows the stomach contents to reflux more easily. It can cause insomnia and sufferers often wake up with sore throats.

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GERD is frequent acid reflux that does not respond to over-the-counter medications such as antacids. Other symptoms can include a persistent sore throat, hoarseness, a chronic cough, or a feeling of a lump in the throat. If untreated, GERD can actually change the mucosal cells lining the esophagus. The result can be a chronic condition called Barret's Esophagus. This is considered by doctors to be a pre-cancerous stage. It is thought that up to 10 per cent of sufferers of severe reflux problems have Barrett's esophagus.

Occasional heartburn is common but does not necessarily mean one has GERD. But it you have heartburn symptoms more than once a week, you may be at risk of developing GERD. If you any doubt as to the nature of your symptoms, visit your doctor immediately.

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